NatCDC / NatCDCSP Software for UNIX & Windows

Release notes for NatCDC / NatCDCSP on UNIX & Windows can be found on this page.

For the Installation and Configuration Manual specific to Open Systems click this link.

If you wish to review the release notes for previous versions of NatCDC please contact NatWorks using this link.

Prior to downloading the NatCDC / NatCDCSP Software for UNIX & Windows please note the following:

  1. The file that you will download was created using the SYSOBJH utility of Natural to unload 5 program objects (the object code of 3 Natural programs as well as the source for 2 of those same programs).  To successfully load these objects into Natural on the server platform, you will therefore have to use the SYSOBJH utility to do this.
  2. NatWorks strongly encourages a review of the NatCDC / NatCDCSP Installation and Operation manual prior to updating from NatCDC to NatCDCSP. Specifically under Generation / NatCDC verses NatCDCSP Generation. Click here to review this manual

For General Information concerning some of the downloads available, please refer to General Notes.

Download Instructions:

  1. Download the SYSOBJH transfer file by clicking here.
  2. Move the file CDC324_CDCSP420_PLP450_MRGET17_SYSOBJH.SAG as necessary so that it is available to the platform on which Natural resides.
  3. Using the SYSOBJH transfer utility on the source platform (invoked via a command of SYSOBJH), perform a Load using the file just downloaded.  By default the SYSOBJH utility will attempt to load these modules into the Natural library called MIGRATE; this can be overridden using options available in SYSOBJH.
  4. Verify that the SYSOBJH utility worked correctly by examining the library into which the objects were loaded.  The result of the Load should be the introduction of the following Natural objects that will be used to support NATCDC processing.  The modules handled are as follows:
    These are the core processing modules of the NatWorks CDC processing tools, either module performs two specific tasks:  It takes what is likely to be variable length output from NATPLP and converts this to fixed length format (based on expected maximum values of any MU, PE or MU-in-PE fields), and it drops any fields not required.

    The NATCDC / NatCDCSP modules are provided in object code form only.
    This is the “preprocessor”, in that this program converts the output of an ADAPLP execution into a byte stream that is suitable for subsequent processing by NATCDC / NatCDCSP.

    NATPLP is provided in both source and object code form.
    This is an optional module that allows for sorting the output of NATCDC / NatCDCSP using the internal SORT available with Natural (for proper handling of binary data) subsequent to final processing by a NatQuery / NatCDC generated program.  The use of NATSORT is optional if there is already a SORT program that properly handles binary data available to the user.

    NATSORT is provided as both source and object code.

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General Notes on Downloadable Files

  1. Files Are Scanned for Viruses
    The downloadable files have all been checked with McAfee anti-virus software immediately prior to uploading.  While NatWorks makes every effort to insure that the software we make available on our website is free of viruses, it must be understood that the ultimate responsibility to insure that files you download from the internet are virus-free rests with you.
  2. Un-Installing
    The objects contained in the SYSOBJH transfer filed are named NATPLP (source and object code), NATCDC (object only) and NATSORT (source and object only).  These objects can be removed from a Natural library using the SCRATCH command.
  3. License Keys
    The use of NatCDC software is controlled by a “License Key”.  You may not execute NatCDC without a License Key and there is no “Demo” version of NatCDC presently available:  There is only Trial Versions or non-expiring Versions.  To operate NatCDC in any way, shape or form, you must first obtain a valid License Key from NatWorks, Inc.

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